Crafting Comfort and Trust – A Decade Long Collaboration with Driscoll Health System

Driscoll Health System

University Health & Geomedia – Experienced Healthcare Storytellers

university health

Team Geomedia Celebrates the 2022 ADDY Awards

We are honored to have attended @adfedsa 2022 American Advertising Awards. Thank you to the Ad Fed San Antonio board for hosting such a well executed evening. We are proud to have a part and to share several accolades on behalf of our clients and also the talented team who dedicate their entire selves on every project.

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Behind the Scenes

A tribute to our amazing crew that work so passionately behind the scenes to make our commercials stand out and our clients coming back for more. It is often the extra mile that they go, and when we bear witness to the unique talents and offerings each person provides.

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Geomedia Develops Interactive App for the San Antonio Parks Foundation

Geomedia incorporates 3D animation, augmented reality (AR), navigation, and custom user interface design for San Antonio Parks Foundation’s Japanese Tea Garden interactive application.

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A Closer Look: Zach Nasits

Woman Power

Geomedia Attends the First Ever Women of Tech Bloc Luncheon