Power of Perception
When a desired shot can’t be captured in camera, it must be created with visual effects. Scale, perspective, motion, parallax, depth, intensity, shadow. The visual cues each of us instinctively use to place ourselves in the world, must be reproduced for the final effect to become imperceptible.
Visual FX are a part of almost every TV, motion picture or animated project. Getting an experienced team on board before production begins is essential. Early involvement in the production process enables input on the methodology at a point where crucial decisions are made about workflow and the way the project will be shot – Which elements need to be captured to achieve the effects in the best possible way – How lighting, lensing and metadata will be shared in order to execute seamlessly.

Visual FX are more than wire removal, rotoscoping and green screens. They are art, craft and science – A wonderful tool to create and reveal what can’t be captured by any other medium.

“When faced with these kinds of challenges, the advantage of integrated in-house production and post cannot be overstated. Close harmony between production, animation and visual fx departments eliminates the costly – fix it in post – mentality.”
Martin Jaeger
Art Director