The BIG Picture
Some say “it’s not the size of your tool that matters” and we would have to agree with that. However, the size of your picture does matter and the picture quality captured with RED Epic has everything to do with the way we work and how we create beautiful imagery with added versatility in post-production.
RED Epic camera
The camera itself isn’t much larger than a Kleenex box and weighs in at a mere 5 pounds before you put a lens on it. But inside this little box and instilled deep within the R&D is great potential for RAW image capture that expands its versatility with incredible latitude comparable to that of film (were seeing about 15-17 stops in some situations).
5K RAW image data “digital negative” as viewd in REDlog film, LOG color space.
The image after color grade and output to Rec-709 color space for finishing this spot for Taco Cabana.
After running our RED camera through extensive tests, we have begun implementing it into our everyday live action projects for clients like Valero Energy Corporation, Taco Cabana, and HEB. The proof was in the pudding! Not only have the aesthetic results proven to be great, but various cinematographers have also commented on its versatile performance and the way the camera was built from an ‘on-set’ functionality standpoint. The camera has the ability to shoot 5K motion as well as 120 fps in 4k and even 300 fps in 2K!
Epic being fitted on the Chapman G-3 Gyro stabilized head and “Lenny” crane arm.
Epic camera and crane operators heading out for a challenging shot.
Epic camera swinging into action on a recent shoot for Valero Energy Corporation.
RAW sensor data in LOG space prior to color grade and visual FX.
Shot after color grade with graphics tracked and composited. Tracking software loves the 5K resolution!
Rich oversized imagery allows panning and scanning in post-production, which gives you a second framing opportunity. High image resolution benefits visual effects work like keying, tracking and compositing. Color grading RAW images allows extreme fidelity and flexibility. Additionally, we are able to pull 5K 32-bit tiff images from the RAW footage for use in printed collateral, direct mail, and even billboards! (This technique was implemented in a recent VOGUE spread featuring Lady Gaga.)
5K .TIFF image extracted from color graded Epic footage for use in a print campaign for Taco Cabana.
We vouch that if you aren’t shooting RED Epic, then you’ll have to thaw out some old film cans in the freezer to reach this look and experience. While we sometimes miss film and are occasionally nostalgic for the smell of our Harrison changing bag, we sure don’t miss the all too common races at the end of the day, trying to get ‘today’s film’ on a plane to meet processing deadlines… Our clients definitely don’t miss the processing costs!
The future is here at Geomedia. Come try on some Epic love for your next project and get the BIG picture!